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Company to Turn Sea Plastic into Bottles in Pioneering Recycling Plan

Ecover, the green cleaning brand, said on Thursday it will use plastic waste retrieved from the sea to create an entirely new type of sustainable and recyclable plastic bottle. The Belgian company is working with plastic manufacturer Logoplaste to combine plastic trawled from the sea with a plastic made from sugar cane ('Plant-astic') and recycled plastic, in what it is calling a world-first for packaging.

Vancouver Launches World's First Cigarette-butt Recycling Program

The City of Vancouver, B.C. has launched the world's first cigarette butt recycling program in its bid to become the greenest city. The pilot project began last Tuesday with the installation of 110 receptacles in four downtown areas where discarded butts are a messy problem. Fortunately, cigarette filters are made of cellulose acetate, which can be recycled into building materials.

Plastic Bags Make Fine Diesel Fuel: Report

Plastic shopping bags, an abundant source of litter on land and at sea, can be converted into diesel, natural gas and other useful petroleum products, researchers report. The conversion produces significantly more energy than it requires and results in transportation fuels – diesel, for example – that can be blended with existing ultra-low-sulfur diesels and biodiesels.