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In Rural Iowa Town, a Lifeline of Friendship for Islam

Amid an expanse of undulating Iowa farmland and Catholic and Lutheran churches, the town of Elkader bears the name of a Muslim hero. Abd el-Kader was renowned in the 19th century for leading Algeria's fight for independence and protecting non-Muslims from persecution. Even Abraham Lincoln extolled him. This weekend, for the fifth year in a row, Elkader will welcome a delegation of Arab dignitaries to celebrate this rare lifeline of tolerance.

Iraq Veterans Turn Around Drug-infested Neighborhood

Veterans are taking the lead in Baltimore, cleaning up years of blight and helping residents in a mostly poor, African-American neighborhood to rid the area of drug dealers. Along blocks dotted with boarded-up homes, veterans are applying lessons they learned in Iraq and Afghanistan in an effort to restore the community's sense of pride – and their own sense of purpose.

Optimism Is the Antidote, Says New World Bank Chief

Whether treating patients with drug-resistant diseases in the slums of Haiti or trying to reverse the hopelessness of the world's poor, optimism is essential, insists World Bank President Jim Yong Kim. For me optimism is a moral choice.

It's Time for a Hero: Lincoln Opens in Theaters Friday to Gushing Reviews

Just when the American people may be exhausted from presidential politics, along comes Lincoln. Steven Spielberg's highly anticipated film, set during the last, tumultuous few months of Abraham Lincoln's life, shows a man who is passionate, intelligent and heroic. Reviews are gushing over Daniel Day-Lewis's work in the film, which opens nationwide on Friday.

Dalai Lama Visits Hawaii, Talks up Peace Through the "Power of Aloha"

The Dalai Lama brought his message of peace and compassion -- and his trademark humor -- to Hawaii, celebrating the coming together of two native cultures. Similar to the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, the indigenous culture of Hawaii has its own inherent spirituality. He calls it compassion. We call it Aloha, said one participant at the events sponsored by eBay founder, Pierre Omidyar.

C. Everett Koop (1916-2013): Unsung Hero in the Fight Against AIDS

Former surgeon general C. Everett Koop died Monday in New Hampshire at age 96. Koop is justly renowned for spearheading the war on tobacco in the 1990s. But Koop was also pivotal, and saved just as many lives, because he forced the Republican Party to address the rampaging AIDS epidemic in the 1980s.

Obama Beams as Bob Dylan, 12 Others, Awarded Medal of Freedom (w/ Video)

At the White House yesterday President Obama honored this year's recipients of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the Nation's highest civilian honor. "I have to say, just looking around the room, this is a packed house, which is a testament to how cool this group is," chuckled the President, whose broadest grin came as he bestowed the medal upon the shoulders of Bob Dylan.