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56% of Small Biz Owners Think Remote Working Has Made Them Better Leaders Says Poll

56% of Small Biz Owners Think Remote Working Has Made Them Better Leaders Says Poll
A survey of 1,000 small business owners looked at how working remotely has impacted their company—uncovering several silver linings.

More than half of small business owners (56%) agree that working from home during the pandemic has made their experience of leading a team easier and more productive, according to a new poll.

A survey of 1,000 small business owners looked at how working remotely has impacted their company—uncovering several silver linings.

The results showed that three in five respondents said they are feeling more empathetic toward their employees and colleagues.

The vast majority—seven in 10—admitted the lockdowns had given them certain business opportunities they wouldn't have had before.

Conducted by OnePoll in partnership with software company Field Effect, the survey also found that most small business owners have improved their relationship with their employees by trusting them more (63%) and having better communication (55%).

Working from home has also allowed more businesses to see an increase in customers (46% vs. 25% who have lost customers) and sales.

But, working remotely has its challenges. Nearly half of those polled agree that running their businesses primarily from home has proven to be more challenging than they anticipated.

41% admitted they don't have the same capacity to oversee all aspects of their business from home.

Business owners are busier than ever, too, with 47% saying they wear more hats than before the pandemic by taking on roles like marketing or bookkeeping.

"In the face of uncertainty and rapidly changing business conditions, small business owners continue to prove their resiliency and adaptability," said Andrew Milne, chief revenue officer at Field Effect.

"The fact that they have been able to overcome the inherent challenges in building a business from home, while still seeking out new business opportunities and customers is remarkable."

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