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All-Star Nascar Driver Distributes Supplies, Donates Winnings for Tornado Victims

After the devastating tornado that hit Moore, Oklahoma, four-time Sprint Cup champion Jimmie Johnson and his wife Chandra, who grew up in that state, wanted to help. In addition to donating his Charlotte All-Star race winnings, reported to be $1 million, they visited the town on Thursday, along with other NASCAR officials, to help bring some relief to families.

All is in Divine Order

Eloise Vincent founded SOFTLY International-- Securing Our Future Today Loving Youth -- to supply medical care, clothing and beds to families living in extreme One of her beliefs was tested and ultimately strengthened this winter when SOFTLY’s abundant funds ran out.

Old Enemies Turn Into New Heroes During Floods

Some good came out of the flooding that swept through Mozambique in 2000. At the same time as marooned Mozambicans on high ground were being rescued by soldiers in helicopters, historical stereotypes were being erased and the hated enemy was fast becoming a hero.