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Big Hearts in Aisle Five: Grocery Store Buys Special Cart for Special Toddler

Big Hearts in Aisle Five: Grocery Store Buys Special Cart for Special Toddler
When a store manager noticed a young mother juggling a shopping cart and a toddler in a wheelchair, he went to his boss and lobbied for a "princess wagon."

Grocery shopping was a struggle for the mother of a little girl with cerebral palsy, until a grocery store manager rolled out a "princess wagon."

That's what Melody Leach calls the cart her local grocery store bought for daughter Beatrice. You can tell by the smile on her face, the little girl loves her new ride.

The two-year-old can't sit in a regular shopping cart, so mom would have to shop while juggling a basket and a wheelchair down the aisles

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Assistant Manager Mike Myers was familiar with cerebral palsy and asked his bosses at King Soopers to buy a cart built for special needs kids.

The staff in Loveland, Colorado surprised Melody and Beatrice with the new cart, which has an adjustable seat they won't outgrow anytime soon.

And while it's available to any family for use in the store, Myers and his staff decorated it with sparkly signs and balloons, christening it "Beatrice's Cart."

(WATCH the video below from KUSA news) — Photos: KUSA video


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