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Sick Boy Gets Fantasy Bedroom Makeover Courtesy of Design Gives Back

A courageous boy battling life-threatening brain tumors received a Miracle Makeover from a designer who makes it her business to give back to suffering cancer patients. This boy was especially deserving. He started an annual toy drive—Charlie Santa Day—where he collects toys from family and friends and distributes them to kids at St. Louis Children's Hospital. "Charlie believes he was put here on this earth to help others."

Teacher's Amazing Strategy on Bullying, Loneliness

Every Friday afternoon one extraordinary teacher asks her students to take out a piece of paper and write down the names of four children they'd like to sit beside the following week. The children know that these private requests may not be honored. After the students go home, she takes out those slips of paper, places them in front of her and studies them. She looks for patterns. Who is not getting requested by anyone else?

Talking GOOD: Woman Gives 10,000 Smiles to Sick Kids

Casey Baynes understands on a very personal level that no child wants to feel like they're different. At a young age, teachers told Casey that her dyslexia would make academics more difficult. Despite the obvious challenges that come with a learning disorder, Casey had very high expectations for herself and worked hard to reach and then exceed them. She received her Associate's degree before graduating high school and went on to become Towson University's youngest Master's Degree recipient at age 20.

Teacher Helps Injured Embarrassed Student Fit In

Six-year-old Brantley Rogers severely injured his eye last week and was nervous about returning to class with an eye patch. But his Jacksonville, Florida kindergarten teacher made a world of difference for him when she crafted eye patches for all the students in the class.

Shoe Shiner Donates $200,000 in Tips to Children in Need

Albert Lexie, the longtime shoe shiner, has been giving back to others for years. He is Pittsburgh's hero in disguise. This man is a guardian angel who changes lives one dollar at a time. A shoe shine costs $5, but Lexie's customers have been generous with their tips and every cent goes to the hospital's children in need.