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Once an Urban Landfill, Now a Rowing Paradise

Near the junction of the New Jersey Turnpike and Interstate 80, not far from the conga line of traffic grinding toward New York City, lies a body of water that was once a garbage dump, a murky soup of stinking refuse and plastic bottles. But after a recent renaissance, that body of water, Overpeck Creek, and the new park abutting it have become a destination for rowers from New York City.

Detroit and Banks Team Up to Lure Police Officers Back to City With Low Cost Homes

The city of Detroit and Bank of America have teamed up to solve three problems at once: By enticing cops to live in urban neighborhoods, offering them refurbished homes and low cost loans, houses standing empty will be inhabited, rather than vandalized, communities will feel more secure with law enforcement nearby, and urban property values and the city's tax base will be bolstered.

Inmates Find Health and Solace in Yoga

When many states have cut their wellness and education programs for inmates, citing cost and political pressure, some wardens looking for a low-cost, low-risk way for inmates to reflect on their crimes, improve their fitness and cope with the stress of overcrowded prison life are turning toward yoga.

"Happy Feet" The Stranded Penguin Headed Home (Video)

The wayward emperor penguin that was found on a New Zealand beach June 20, far from his Antarctic feeding grounds and moved to the zoo after he became ill from eating sand that he likely mistook for snow, has since regained weight and been cleared to be returned to the wild.

Pepsi Free Vows to Go Fossil Fuel Free

The British branch of PepsiCo, the umbrella corporation that makes Tropicana, Quaker Oats, chips and soda, has made an ambitious promise to use 100 percent renewable energy by 2023. They're also shooting for zero landfill waste; packaging that is entirely renewable, recyclable, or compostable; and zero water intake at their main manufacturing sites.

Coal Waste Could Save Billions on Road Repairs

Fly ash, a byproduct of coal-burning electric power plants, could save billions of dollars if used in the repairing of U.S. bridges and roads, scientists told a meeting of the American Chemical Society in Anaheim, Calif., Tuesday.

Londoners Earn Rewards for Recycling and Being More Physically Active

Would you bike to work or recycle more often if it meant you got free stuff at stores? Recyclebank offers rewards for recycling, and gives London commuters fresh incentives to walk or ride. Recyclebank has reached millions of people with its environmental social platform, awarding points that can be exchanged for deals and discounts at nearby stores.

Thriving North American Start-up Turns Trash into Source of Power

An powerhouse alternative energy start-up is transforming the way North America manages organic materials, turning food and animal waste into renewable energy and other useful products at its plants in British Columbia, Ontario, California and throughout the Mid-Atlantic, Midwest and Northeastern states.

Ford Cuts Global Waste by 100 Million Pounds and Counting

This week the Ford Motor Company announced impressive results in efforts to cut waste produced in its factories. Since 2007, the car company has slashed by 44 percent its global waste output -- a total of 100 million pounds. Expanding on the success, Ford plans to further reduce the amount of waste it sends to landfills by 10% per vehicle by the end of the year.

Composting Project Puts 12 Tons of Dog Poop to Good Use

It's been almost three years since a grand experiment began in a dog park in Ithaca, N.Y., and the results are finally in. Dog dung poses public health risks if left on the streets, hurts the environment when left near trails and takes centuries to decompose in plastic garbage bags that end up in landfills. Now, the poop is being composted along with yard waste to produce valuable soil.

Join the UK's Biggest Clothes Collection and Help Beat Kid's Cancer

Everyone in the UK is being asked to clear out their drawers, wardrobes and cupboards - and take their excess clothing and accessories to the clothing retail chain TK Maxx anytime in April, to contribute towards the fight against kids' cancer. Since 2004, the annual campaign, Give up Clothes for Good, has raised a whopping £10 million, with hopes this year to raise an additional £2.5 million for Cancer Research UK.

Hardware Store Recreates Van Gogh's Starry Night With Door Knobs

Looking at a warehouse full of discontinued door knobs, the folks at Union Hardware in Maryland wondered what they could possibly do to put all those products to better use. So, in 2011 the third-generation, family-owned business began a project to bring to life Vincent Van Gogh's masterpiece Starry Night using the tools of the hardware trade -- door knobs, levers and plates.