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160 Studies Show Happiness Improves Health and Lengthens Life

A review of more than 160 studies has found 'clear and compelling evidence' that - all else being equal - happy people tend to live longer and experience better health than their unhappy peers. The University of Illinois study is the most comprehensive review so far of the evidence linking happiness to health outcomes.

160 Studies Show Happiness Improves Health and Lengthens Life

A review of more than 160 studies has found 'clear and compelling evidence' that - all else being equal - happy people tend to live longer and experience better health than their unhappy peers. The University of Illinois study is the most comprehensive review so far of the evidence linking happiness to health outcomes.

9 Doctor Groups Rally to Reduce Overused Medical Tests

According to estimates, one-third of all money spent on US health care is devoted to unnecessary tests and procedures. In a proactive effort to help stem healthcare spending, nine medical associations have joined a campaign called Choosing Wisely, to educate doctors and patients to use more caution regarding certain procedures.

The Pursuit of Happiness: What Matters Most? (Video)

If happiness is a state of mind, Boulder, Colorado would be its capital. Where you live, it turns out, makes a difference in the happiness level, but plenty of other factors can make up for a less than ideal hometown. The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index digs deeper, beyond vague feelings of happiness, to gather more measurable data on 55 aspects of overall well-being

Steep Decline in Child Deaths Worldwide Continues in 2011

Countries across the world are continuing to make rapid progress in reducing child deaths. According to a new UN report, trends in child mortality since 1990 shows that major reductions have been made in all regions for children under five, translating into a sharp drop in total deaths from nearly 12 million in 1990 to an estimated 6.9 million in 2011.

Photo of Broom Army Inspires the Web After England Riots

Following the riots in London, crowds of people turned out to help clean up the glass and ashes left on streets in cities across the country. A photo of brooms raised in the air has become an internet sensation via Twitter, and used by journalists to praise the decent citizens who have come out in full force.

Tears of Joy as Retired Couple Returns to Find New Home

Retired grandparents Jeanne and Burt Metz lost their home when Superstorm Sandy hit Breezy Point, New York. A volunteer organization told the couple that their floors and walls would be rebuilt – but little did the Metz family know that hundreds of people were working to resurrect their entire house.