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JetBlue Stocks Vending Machines with Free Books for Kids in Need

JetBlue Stocks Vending Machines with Free Books for Kids in Need
Kids hungry for some food for thought can thank JetBlue for stocking vending machines in a Washington D.C. neighborhood with 100,000 free books.

Kids who feel like snacking on some food for thought can simply punch A3 for a serving of Dr. Seuss at free vending machines full of books.

JetBlue airlines has partnered with Random House Children's Books to help bridge the literacy gap facing children in a low-income neighborhood of Washington D.C. by loading up three vending machines full of storybooks.

Through a rotating selection of books switched up every two weeks–and no limit on the number of titles children are allowed to take– 100,000 books will make it into the hands of kids in Anacostia.

In the last five years JetBlue has donated over $1.25 million worth of books to help kids in need but this is the first time the Soar with Reading program has utilized specially designed vending machines to do it.

The book machines were placed in a church, a grocery store, and a Salvation Army store earlier this month.


Other cities are going to receive 100,000 books too. An online poll is letting voters choose which city will get win the next distribution.

Detroit, Houston, Los Angeles, New York City and Fort Lauderdale are all vying for the prize by holding regional reading programs and events throughout the summer.

(READ more at WTOP) – Photo: JetBlue

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