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All the Good Things About You

I asked the class to list the names of the other students in the room and think of the nicest thing they could say about each of their classmates and write it down.

Ideas for Random Acts of Kindness Week February 9-16

Hundreds of communities and churches across the country will say they participated in the fourth annual Random Acts of Kindness Week, February 9-16. Certainly the kindness benefits the recipient, but as the practitioner of the act, you are also rewarded, by a palpable energy surging through you; and you are fairly floating along to your next appointment!

A Society Without Criminals

Anthropologists once examined a society that utilized a special technique for the treatment of those members who chose to break rules or violate customs, which were predominantly children.

Man Brings Santa, Nativity Back to Hoboken Public Housing for 43rd Year

Santa Claus -- aka Julio Sly'' Dones -- is back outside of the Harrison Gardens public housing complex, bringing holiday cheer to children of all ages for the 43rd year in a row. Santa stands next to the elaborate Nativity scene he created at Third and Jackson streets handing out candy while Christmas carols play on a stereo.

Good Samaritan Aids Traveler on his way to Damascus

When Jackie related the incident to her son, he flipped. “Are you crazy? Haven’t you heard of car-jackers!!” She said it never crossed her mind. It felt from the start that it was right. “I knew I was meant to help this young man. I had no fear.

Break Out Of The Grasp Of Your Past!

We have to look beyond our past experiences and how are parents raised us. (If they were traumatic or regrettable experiences.)And the next time you hear yourself blaming your actions on the way your parents raised you, stop, and say I have a choice and I can transcend my presently perceived limitations.