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11-Year-Old Cancer Patient Lives Pop Star Dream

It was a star-studded night. After recording her new song at Rotation Records, Amy Hosmer left the studio. She was greeted by about 75 enthusiastic fans. She smiled shyly and thanked everyone for coming. Not what we'd expect from a rock star. But Amy isn't a typical star.

Is Success a Given in 2009?

How do we deal with the incoming changes if we are leaving a job, wanting a new career, getting married or divorced, moving, retiring, or losing weight? A new book, Success is a Given: Reading the Signs While Re-inventing Your Life, can answer your questions about transition and change and how to find success and claim it.

How a Museum Exhibit is Changing Lives in Los Angeles

A 10-year-old boy was moved to tears when he saw the Space Shuttle Endeavour fly over his school on its way to its new home at the California Science Center and even more excited when he could walk around the gargantuan space craft at the museum, touching the tires that flew in space. Suddenly he saw the possibilities of a career in math, science, technology and engineering.

A Brain Tumor, the Best Thing That Ever Happened to Me

Examining my brain scan, the emergency room neurosurgeon announced gravely, Well, you didn't have a stroke, but you do have a brain tumor--about the size of a golfball. Before the tumor, dead-end jobs supported a lifestyle of immediate gratification and self-destructiveness.

Mist on the Lake is Like Our Consciousness

I am meditating on our waterfront patio. A chilly summer's dawn has created a thick mist moving swiftly over the warm lake. I suddenly see the mist as my own awareness. I hover low on the surface of worldly thoughts where I seek to find fulfillment.

Who's On Your Fridge?

I was lifting weights at my New York City community gym when a 77-year-old man who was boxing caught my attention. His laugh was infectious. It made me feel good just being around his energy. So I took his picture and I put it on my fridge

First Graders' Acts of Kindness Catch On

An Indiana school district had an idea of how to get students and staff to show more kindness to each other. They are jotting down on colorful sticky notes the acts of kindness experienced throughout the day. The walls of every Vigo County school now blossom with tiny colorful thank-you's -- even at the high school level.

Lessons of the Square Watermelon

Don't assume something is impossible just because it has never been done. Like the case of the Japanese watermelon, just because it has always been round, doesn't mean it always has to be. Japanese grocery stores had a problem. They are much smaller than their US counterparts and therefore don't have room to waste. Watermelons, big and round, wasted a lot of space. Then, some Japanese farmers came up with a solution.

Disabled Man's Hard Life Turned Around by Indian Blanket

After his family casually used it for over a hundred years, the rarest type of Navajo blanket emerged from obscurity when it was brought to an auction house for appraisal by a disabled descendent who was teetering on bankruptcy. The appraiser shocked him with an assessment of $50,000 for his museum-quality treasure. But that's not the end of the story. Watch as the emotional scene unfolds…

Best Boss Ever: Florida Company Surprises Employee With New Car

A digital advertising agency in Delray Beach surprised one of its longest and most deserving employees with a new 2013 Ford Escape for his birthday on Thursday. Chris Ninos has been the chief financial officer at BMI Elite for the last two years. According to CEO Brandon Rosen, Ninos is one of his most loyal, honest, trustworthy and hardworking employees.

The Legend Of Bagger Vance

An Inspired! Book Review Bagger Vance is a wonderfully inspiring story that uses the quest of mastering ones golf swing as a metaphor for mastering ones self and ones existence. The author, Steven Pressfield, weaves his tale using the unfolding lives of three men from three generations. Each man struggles to let go of emotional […]

All is in Divine Order

Eloise Vincent founded SOFTLY International-- Securing Our Future Today Loving Youth -- to supply medical care, clothing and beds to families living in extreme One of her beliefs was tested and ultimately strengthened this winter when SOFTLY’s abundant funds ran out.

"Touched by an Angel" in Hip Hop

If a frog is dropped into a pot of boiling water, it will leap out to safety every time. But if a frog is placed in a pot of cold water and the heat is turned up, its skin will become accustomed to the rising temperature until the frog is killed.

I've Been Conned… That's the Good News!

Robert deVincenzo, the great Argentine golfer, once won a tournament with a large sum of money as the purse. A woman asked him for money, saying her child was seriously ill, near death, and she could not pay the doctor's bill.