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Woman Turns Rescued Shelter Dogs into… Rescuers!

CNN Hero Wilma Melville founded the National Disaster Search Dog Foundation, and has since given hundreds of rescued shelter dogs a new life -- as rescuers. They have since deployed at major disasters on 9/11, in Haiti and the Japan tsunami.

Puppy Saved From Abuse Helps Autistic Boy Overcome

Autism left 8-year-old Jonny Hickey closed off and isolated. Most of his social interactions resulted in painful awkwardness; unfamiliar situations can trigger terror or tantrums. Then, about two months ago, everything changed. Jonny forged a connection with a dog so unlikely that people familiar with it describe it as a miracle.

Camera Drones Enlisted in Fight Against Badger Cruelty in Ireland

In the UK, the world's second oldest animal welfare organization said it was shocked by the scale of organized badger persecution it has uncovered in Northern Ireland. But now, operatives working for the USPCA are using an aerial drone with a camera onboard to film gangs, and chase them away, as they prepare to attack badgers.

Puppy Born Without Front Legs Gets a Second Chance at Life

The double amputee Olympic runner, Oscar Pistorius was the inspiration for a veterinary technician in St. Cloud, Florida to stop the request to put down a 2-week-old chihuahua puppy born without functioning front legs. Vickie Dryer decided to rehabilitate him instead.

City Tries to Curb Panhandling With Puppies and Stipends

When it comes to tackling San Francisco's entrenched panhandling problem, City Hall has tried just about everything. But it's never tried puppies - until now. Starting Aug. 1, the city - in a program believed to be the first of its kind in the country - will exchange a small stipend for fostering problematic puppies, readying them for adoption

500 Dogs Are Being Rescued and Flown to New Homes Today

One day, 500 animals, 14 private planes, 120 rescue organizations, 100's of volunteers, 30,000 air miles, 11 destinations -- and many, many happy tails. December 6 was the big day for Wings of Rescue, the non-profit that is making Christmas dreams come true for hundreds of dogs in high kill shelters, bringing them to live in new fur-ever homes in its 3rd Annual Holiday Airlift.

Abandoned Dog Spotted on Google Maps Gets Rescued

A homeless dog had been living on the streets of Los Angeles for nearly ten years until someone called the group Hope for Paws and told them the large mixed breed could be spotted on Google Maps. The group's founder and executive director Eldad Hagar first lured the dog from under a truck with pieces of cheeseburger. He recorded the entire street rescue on video.

Dozens of Global Clothiers Sign Bangladesh Work Safety Accord

Dozens of international companies have made a legal commitment to improve safety in Bangladesh's garment factories, in the wake of last month's building collapse that killed more than 1,100 people. The decision last week by major retailers in Europe such as Inditex, Carrefour and H&M, to sign the fire-and-safety agreement was in many ways unprecedented, said the spokesperson for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Rupert Colville.

25 Rescued Lions Start New Life in US After Circus Mistreatment

A record-breaking animal rescue operation ended Thursday when 25 Bolivian circus lions touched down at Denver airport in route to their new life within an 80-acre sanctuary. The humanitarian airlift, called Operation Lion Ark, began last year when the group Animal Defenders International (ADI) won their campaign to effectively shut down the animal circus industry in Bolivia.