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Abandoned Dog Spotted on Google Maps Gets Rescued

Abandoned Dog Spotted on Google Maps Gets Rescued
A homeless dog had been living on the streets of Los Angeles for nearly ten years until someone called the group Hope for Paws and told them the large mixed breed could be spotted on Google Maps. The group's founder and executive director Eldad Hagar first lured the dog from under a truck with pieces of cheeseburger. He recorded the entire street rescue on video.

A homeless dog had been living on the streets of Los Angeles for nearly ten years until someone called the group Hope for Paws and told them the large mixed breed could be spotted on Google Maps.

The group's founder and executive director Eldad Hagar first lured the dog from under a truck with pieces of cheeseburger. He recorded the entire street rescue on video to help raise money for and awareness of Hope for Paws.

Once safe, the dog named Sonya needed her mangled coat shaved, and surgeries for tumors. Now she is living happily with a foster family.

(WATCH the video below or READ the story, w/ more photos, from Metro.co)


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