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SF Giants Pitcher Returns $500,000 After Noticing Mistake in Contract

Jeremy Affeldt makes $6 million a year pitching for the San Francisco Giants, but he gave a half-million back after a clerical error was discovered, despite already receiving the money back in 2010. Affeldt got three opinions saying the contract was ironclad and he could keep the extra $500,000, but realized he couldn't keep it and still sleep well knowing it was wrong.

Goodwill Worker Finds $43,000 in Donated Clothing

A manager of the Goodwill Store in Monroe, Michigan was cleaning out the pockets of a donated jacket this week when he found a bright blue envelope containing bundles of hundred-dollar bills. Tyler Gedelian didn't even count it before turning over the cash to police. He told WWJ-TV in Detroit that he never even considered keeping any of the money.

Big Banks Agree To Pay $8.5 Billion To Homeowners After Foreclosure Abuse

Ten of the nation's major banks, such as Bank of America and Citibank, have agreed to pay $8.5 billion after an investigation into the abuse of homeowners during foreclosures on mortgages during the recent housing crisis. According to the Fed, $3.3 billion of the settlement will be direct payments to eligible borrowers and $5.2 billion will go toward other assistance, such as loan modifications and forgiveness of deficiency judgments.

Young People Cheating Less These Days, Report Finds

Cheating, lying and stealing among American students are all less prevalent nowadays, according to a new report. The 2012 Report Card on the Ethics of American Youth suggests that young people's morals have improved in recent years.

Maine Girl Returns Lost Money, Gains Awesome Reward

A young stay-at-home mom in Maine admits that she had to think about it a for a minute when her eight-year-old discovered $4000 on the sidewalk by a Sam's Club. As for her daughter Abbie? It never crossed her mind to keep it. And her honesty paid off.

Broke Woman Returns $30,000 Found in Donated Clothes

You're broke, you struggle with bills, then out of nowhere you find $30,000 in cash which only you will ever know about because the money belongs to someone who is dead. What do you do? Carol Sutor of Bristol, Pa., was in that situation on Thursday and decided to return the money to the family of the woman who had spent years saving it.

Climber Finds and Turns In Jewels Lost in Alpine Air Crash 50 Years Ago

A French climber scaling a glacier off Mont Blanc stumbled across a treasure trove of emeralds, rubies and sapphires that had been buried for decades following a plane crash. When the honest young hiker realized the jewels -- estimated to be worth a quarter million dollars -- belonged to someone who died on the glacier, he turned in the haul to local police

Returned Wallet Restores Mother's 'Faith in Humanity'

Every once and a while someone does something that restores your faith in humanity. That is how Dayton-area mom, Andy Robinson of Bellbrook, said she felt when two Fairborn students found the wallet her son lost at a high school football game and didn't rest until they returned

Ring Found in Frozen Pipes Returned in Time for 40th Anniversary

An Illinois couple wrote a letter saying Hooray for ice storms after what they found while trying to protect their frozen pipes. Tara Catogge and her husband Ian found someone's diamond and sapphire wedding ring while trying to clear the pipes in their kitchen sink last week.

Pro Golfer's Honesty a Shining Example

J.P. Hayes gives new meaning to the description for, 'a good sport'. The latest candidate for most honest athlete in America is a 43-year-old golfer who hasn't won a PGA tournament in six years. No one knew but him, yet he turned himself in to officials for accidentally using an unsanctioned ball in tournement play, disqualifying himself from a chance to play with the pros next year.