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Showing 101 - 115 of 115 Posts

New Jersey Letter Carrier Returns Wallet with $4,800 in Cash

A Jersey City letter carrier found $4,800 in crisp $100 bills inside a wallet on the sidewalk while delivering mail on the day after a big snowstorm. The first thought that came to Marcario "Mark" Panuil was, I need to give it back to the owner. His Postal Service coworkers and the local Postmaster honored him as a great inspiration in a ceremony this week, where he refused to take a reward.

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Woman Can Buy Her Home Thanks to the Honesty of a Stranger

On January 10, a Portland woman dropped in a store parking lot an envelope containing $2,000 in cash and a $38,000 cashier's check. It was the down payment she needed for a house. Lucky for her, Brian DiCarlo, a 23-year-old aspiring teacher, found the envelope.

What Happened After a Man Found $98,000 Inside a CraigsList Desk

A Connecticut man bought a large desk on Craigslist. Luckily it was too big to fit through the door by a fraction of an inch, according to Rabbi Noah Muroff. He and his wife took the desk apart and found a huge pile of cash hidden in a plastic bag behind the deep file drawers. But that is not the end of the story.

Woman Returns Lockbox Containing $40,000

Teresa Stiles saw a lockbox, which she didn't know contained about $40,000, fall off a Brinks truck. Nobody seemed to see what happened and no one was responding. So, Stiles grabbed the box and nervously drove straight to the police.

NY's Cabbie of the Year

Hossam Abdalla was crowned New York's cab driver of the year year because he returned a king's ransom in jewels to a passenger who left a million dollars worth of gold and diamonds in his taxi. Hooray for the Egyptian immigrant and his integrity!

Airman Finds and Returns $9,000 in Cash

The black book he found had about six dollars and a driver's license. But when he opened the second pocket, “There was a big wad of cash - hundred-dollar bills,” Baxter said. For some, the decision might be difficult.

Coffee Shop on the Honor System Works in North Dakota

A "small town" couple in North Dakota refurbished a decaying building in downtown Valley City to make a new self-serve coffee shop. To cut down on costs, The Vault Coffee Shop and Bakery uses the honor system to collect payments, with a credit card swipe machine and a slot into which customers can drop cash or checks. So far, people have paid 15% above normal prices.