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Showing 1321 - 1340 of 1,690 Posts

Big Move: Chicago Schools To Buy Antibiotic-Free Chicken

Big news on several fronts: against the overuse of antibiotics in agriculture and for healthier food for school children. The Chicago Public Schools announced that its main food-service company, Chartwells-Thompson Hospitality, will begin buying and serving chicken drumsticks from birds raised in the local area without antibiotics. The deal will bring 1.2 million pounds of chicken to 473 schools per year.

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Teachers Ditch Student Desk Chairs for Yoga Balls

Replacing stationary seats with inflatable bouncers has raised productivity in her fifth-graders at Westtown-Thornbury Elementary School, helping students focus on lessons while improving their balance and core strength, she said.

9-Year-old Silenced By Politicians Has Changed School Lunches Forever

A new blog started by a 9-year-old in western Scotland shows daily photos of the lunches she was being served in her public primary school. Just started in early May, her lunch photos went viral in days. She had a million viewers within a few weeks; was written up in major magazines; and won the support of TV chef Jamie Oliver, who kicked off school-food reform in England.

What Cancer Patients Want Most - To Laugh (Help Them do it)

It's not just an "old adage" that tells us laughter is the best medicine these days. Scientists, doctors, mental health professionals, and patients themselves call humor a remedy for any ailment -- at least temporarily. In the book, 20 Things People with Cancer Want You to Know, the #1 statement in a recent survey of more than 600 survivors is, "I need to laugh – or just forget about cancer for a while." Now there is a resource and you can contribute to the funny file.

Help Cancer Patients Laugh: Good News Network Author Enters Hospice

An acclaimed author and journalist, Lori Hope, used a very personal challenge -- her own cancer diagnosis -- to create a practical guide for people who want to comfort and support a friend with cancer, but don't know what to say. After extensive interviews, the #1 statement that people with cancer want others to know, "I need to laugh – or just forget about cancer for a while."

'What Addicts Know': Realizations From Recovery That Can Help Us All

In his new book What Addicts Know: 10 Lessons from Recovery to Benefit Everyone, Christopher Kennedy Lawford writes, I've dealt with a wide variety of individuals afflicted with the disease of addiction, and in my estimation they are the most interesting, fascinating, and gifted people I've come across. Yet, they are also the most challenging. Addicts are deviously manipulative and self-absorbed. Their illness causes suffering and pain for themselves, their loved ones, and the rest of society. Yet from their struggle comes an opportunity for all.

Inmates Find Health and Solace in Yoga

When many states have cut their wellness and education programs for inmates, citing cost and political pressure, some wardens looking for a low-cost, low-risk way for inmates to reflect on their crimes, improve their fitness and cope with the stress of overcrowded prison life are turning toward yoga.

Join the UK's Biggest Clothes Collection and Help Beat Kid's Cancer

Everyone in the UK is being asked to clear out their drawers, wardrobes and cupboards - and take their excess clothing and accessories to the clothing retail chain TK Maxx anytime in April, to contribute towards the fight against kids' cancer. Since 2004, the annual campaign, Give up Clothes for Good, has raised a whopping £10 million, with hopes this year to raise an additional £2.5 million for Cancer Research UK.

Today is 'Drug Take-Back Day' to Safely Dispose of Unwanted Prescription Drugs

The Drug Enforcement Administration has scheduled another National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day to take place at thousands of sites around the U.S. today. During the third Drug Take-Back Day in 2011, Americans turned in more than 188.5 tons of unwanted or expired medications for safe and proper disposal. The 5,327 drop off locations were available in all 50 states and U.S. territories.

Man Hitchhikes Across Canada in Only His Underwear Raising $30K for Testicular Cancer

People have bicycled, walked, even roller-bladed across Canada for charity. But Mark McIntyre is likely the only one who has ever hitch-hiked across Canada wearing nothing but his underwear and a smile. As a testicular cancer survivor, he teamed up with an underwear manufacturer that agreed to donate $20,000 for men's cancer research. He also wants to educate men on how to check themselves regularly, like women do.

Stop Being Negative, Live at Least a Decade Longer

A 1986 study from which researchers analyzed the autobiographical essays of 678 nuns, written in their early 20s, who had entered an American convent in the 1930s, found that those in the top 25 percent on the optimism scale lived on average up to 10 years longer. The implications of this astonishing finding in our increasingly health-conscious age should be enormous.

Peru Passes 10-Year Ban on Genetically Engineered Foods

Despite pressure from multinational agribiz corporations such as Monsanto and Dow, the Peruvian Environment Minister announced this week that the government has approved a new regulation imposing a moratorium on the production and entry of genetically-modified organisms (GMOs), into the country for the next ten years. The government said it wanted to to preserve the biodiversity of native crops when it sided with 6000 or more farmers, some growing the famous and colorful Peruvian potato varieties, who pushed for the ban.