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Showing 121 - 140 of 575 Posts

Newest Subway Hero: 'Snackman' Casually Breaks Up Fight

24 year-old Charles Sonder got on a New York Subway with a bag of cheddar Pringles chips, and a knack for peace. As the train rolled toward its next stop, a fight between a man and a woman broke out; curses were uttered, and punches and kicks were thrown. At that moment, Sonder moved toward where the man was standing, and parked himself there, calmly munching on his chips.

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Strangers Help Pay for Terminally Ill Man's Dream Wedding

While a British couple was saving for and planning their dream wedding, the groom was suddenly diagnosed with throat cancer. All their income had to be funneled toward medical expenses. They could no longer afford a beautiful wedding. When the bride-to-be saw her fiance's health quickly deteriorating, she reached out on Facebook asking for donations. People's generosity was overwhelming.

Neighbors Help Tornado Survivor, Find Wedding Ring in the Rubble

Tornado survivors in Woodward, Okla., are proving that even in the midst of devastation, treasures can be found and hope can be restored. Over the weekend, disastrous, tornadoes tore through the Midwest, killing six. One family barely got away before their house was completely destroyed. Mom had been watching TV with her wedding ring on the table.

474-year-old Painting Stolen by Nazis Given to Owner's Heirs

A painting - nearly five centuries old and worth millions - that was taken by the Nazis in World War II has been returned to the heirs of its original Jewish owner by U.S. officials. Also, the former neighbor of a Dutch Holocaust survivor traveled to the United States to hand-deliver two sets of china, dishes that her family left behind before they were led to Auschwitz.

101-Year-old Woman Gets Her House Back Thanks to Author Mitch Albom

Last fall, Texana Hollis, 101, was evicted from her Detroit home after almost 60 years. A Good Samaritan from church took her in, while others tried to find funding to get her foreclosed home back. Unfortunately the building was in bad condition and condemned as not fit to live in, especially for the wheelchair bound great-grandmother. But, now her house is being given back to her – in better shape than ever – thanks to Detroit resident Mitch Albom, the best selling author of Tuesdays with Morrie and his charity for the homeless, S.A.Y. Detroit.

Generosity From Doctor and Former Thief Helps 85 Year-old Robbery Victim

An 85-year-old South Carolina woman who was robbed of $400 in cash she had saved for eye surgery was given free medical care after a doctor saw her story on the news. Dr. Budev of Carolina Cataract Center wasn't the only one who saw the report and was moved to action. A one-time thief who'd stolen a woman purse in his youth, sent a $500 check to help atone for his mistake.

Swedish Man Survived Two Months in Snow-buried Car

A 45-year old driver stuck since December survived by hibernating a bit like a bear, doctors say. He was dug out alive from his snow-buried car in which he had survived for two months with no food, during one of the worst winters Europe has ever seen, in temperatures as low as -22F (-30C).

Despite Woes, World is a Happier Place Today Than in 2007

A new poll conducted by global research company Ipsos finds that 77 percent of citizens in 24 countries generally say they are ‘happy' in their lives. The number of people reporting they are 'very happy' has risen two percentage points since 2007, to 22% of citizens globally.

Marine Credits "Good Karma" for Hitting $2.9 million Jackpot

Marine Cpl. Alexander Degenhardt credits good karma for hitting a nearly $3 million jackpot in the Las Vegas Bellagio casino. Only days before winning the second highest amount ever paid for the slot machine, he learned he was accepted as a bone marrow donor to an anonymous patient.