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(Update) Shoplifting Mom Given More Groceries and New Job

(Update) Shoplifting Mom Given More Groceries and New Job
A police officer in south Florida was faced Monday with the prospect of arresting a single mother who was caught shoplifting groceries to feed her family. Vicki Thomas was so moved by the plight of the struggling mom of three children that she decided to buy her $100 worth of groceries. Since the story went public Monday, the public has also stepped up to help Jessica Robles.

A police officer in south Florida was faced Monday with the prospect of arresting a single mother who was caught shoplifting groceries to feed her family. Vicki Thomas was so moved by the plight of the struggling mom of three children that she decided to buy her $100 worth of groceries.

"Arresting her wasn't going to solve the problem," said officer Thomas, who also charged her with a misdemeanor.

Since the story went public Monday, the public has also stepped up to help Jessica Robles. She was taken to Walmart to buy $500 in groceries donated from Restoration 1 of Miami and was given another $200 from Good Samaritan, Mayra Lapierre.

Not only that, the owner of PhoneDoctor.com interviewed Robles on Tuesday for a customer service job and hired her on the spot.

"There's no words," said Jessica who believes her children will never go hungry again thanks to the kindness of strangers.

(WATCH the video or READ the story from CNN)

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