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Treasured Rings Get Flushed Down Toilet but Dedicated Sanitation Crew Comes to the Rescue

After accidentally flushing them down the toilet, a sewer crew went out of their way to help a Colorado woman recover a pair of valuable diamond rings that were an 18th birthday gift from her late father. Worth $10,000 and seemingly lost, the rings were miraculously located downstream in the sewer system by devoted city workers from the North Table Mountain Water Department in Golden.

42 Years Later, Man's Missing Gold Ring Found in the Ground

James Murphy never gave up hope believing he'd find the high school class ring he lost in 1972. Friday, a Chicago man operating a metal detector found the gold ring in the same yard where it originally slipped off Murphy's finger, after the new owner allowed a search of the property.

Sweet Story of a Returned Wallet Sparks Kindness Party

A picture, posted recently on Reddit.com, was photographed in New York City where someone was thrilled to have their wallet returned and desperately wanted to thank the human who was responsible. I re-posted the photo on Facebook and it sparked dozens of similar stories about the kind return of wallets, purses and iPhones left behind - and returned - in every situation.