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Woman Thanks Hero Who Found a Wallet in Snow, Then Drove it to Her House: 'Juan is a Great Human!!!' 

Woman Thanks Hero Who Found a Wallet in Snow, Then Drove it to Her House: 'Juan is a Great Human!!!' 
A Rockville, Maryland, good Samaritan hero named Juan delivered a wallet yesterday to the Degnon family who lost it in a snowy parking lot.

A family in Maryland wants to publicly thank a stranger for going above and beyond-just in time to bring a Happy New Year.

"What a great human!!" That's how Laura Degnon began her email to WS, hoping we would share the story of a good Samaritan touching their lives with kindness.

Her son, Jake, realized on Friday that he had lost his wallet Thursday night.

It snowed a couple inches in Rockville overnight which made it challenging for them to find anything outside around his car, or at the last store where he stopped to buy a snack.

"We shoveled so many places looking for it," she recalled.

They were very motivated, too, as his wallet was unusually full of "quite a bit of Christmas money, college money, and of course his school ID, license, debit, and credit card."

But they couldn't find it anywhere.

Laura was up early on Saturday saying goodbye as Jake headed back to the University of South Carolina, and started cleaning up around the house, when the doorbell rang about 8:00AM.

"Much to my surprise a wonderful man by the name of Juan was standing there asking if Jake lived here."

"I started to cry right away, and asked if he found his wallet, by chance."

Juan had been up early, going to work on a Saturday morning, when he found Jake's wallet in the parking lot of the store where he bought the snack-and he drove to their house to return it.

Everything was in tact, with nothing missing.

"What a great human!! Juan made my son's day, and mine, more than he will ever know!"

She also had a message for Juan's employer, Brightview Landscaping in Clarksburg, Maryland: 'You have one hell of an employee'.

"Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts."

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