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Serbia Apologizes for '91 Wartime Massacre

Serbian President Boris Tadic apologized Thursday at the site where more than 200 Croats were massacred in wartime atrocities. Tadic said he came to bow down before the victims. His Croatian counterpart also laid a wreath at the graveyard of 18 Serbs killed by Croats.

MLK Day: Ex-White Supremacist Thanks Black Teen Who Said No to Violence in 1996

Arno Michaelis was once a thriving member of the Neo-Nazi movement who frequented white supremacist rallies, until single parenthood and love for his daughter changed him This week he wrote a short tribute to Keshia Thomas, a black teenager who during a 1996 KKK rally saved the life of a white supremacist in danger of being killed by a mob of counter-demonstrators.

Ex-addict Gives Apology and $400 Cash to Shop He'd Once Robbed

Owners of an Asian market in Nashville were stunned last week when a man came into their shop insisting they take an envelope. When they finally opened it they found $400 cash and a letter of apology from a thief who had once robbed their store. Once a drug addict, and now sober, he wants to make amends with those he'd hurt.