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Strangers Give Young Fiancé His Dying Wish: A Disney Honeymoon

Four years ago, Nolan was diagnosed with brian cancer. After many treatments and interventions, doctors say they can do no more for him. Despite his terrible illness, the determined athlete still wants to marry his fiancée and take her on a honeymoon to Disney World. The couple was left dirt poor from major health bills so a fundraising page at GiveForward.com was set up to ask for donations. Strangers responded in a big way.

Montana Pastor Brings Drowned Dog Back to Life

After trying to fetch a big stick, the Boston Terrier was suddenly at the bottom of the clear lake, motionless, breathless and lifeless. A pastor nearby had been trained as an emergency medical technician 20 years ago, so he tried chest compressions. But he also credits divine intervention.

Saudi Women Defy Driving Ban

In their own brief moment of 'Arab Spring', Saudi women got behind the wheel and drove through their towns Friday, a defiant act against the law banning women drivers in Saudi Arabia.

Little Dresses Bring Hope to Malawi

Rachel O'Neill fell in love with the sweeping vistas of Malawi, Africa, but especially with the little girls, whose only clothing were the thread-bare dresses on their backs. Her original idea was to get a church group to sew dresses for her to bring back for the children. Eventually, word spread and dresses were sent from all fifty states, so many that it took teams of volunteers to sort them,

No RSVPs For 13-yo Odin But He Gets Birthday Party of A Lifetime

Odin, a 13-year old from Peterborough, Ontario with Aspergers, has trouble making friends. When no one RSVP-ed to his birthday party, his mom took to social media to garner some birthday wishes for her son. Celebrities began tweeting greetings and the support snowballed into a grand party at a bowling alley.