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Waitress Receives A Note That Brought Tears To Her Eyes

Waitress Receives A Note That Brought Tears To Her Eyes
A 25-year-old server, Claire Hudson, got a tip and a note that melted her heart. She didn't know it at the time, but she became part of a heartfelt tradition to honor a brother's lost sibling.

Claire Hudson, a 25-year-old waitress, got a tip and a note that melted her heart. She didn't know it at the time, but she became part of a heartfelt tradition to honor a brother's lost sibling.

She was working a double shift at local burger joint in Tennessee, when a couple came in and ordered a couple of hot dogs and beers. Before leaving they left a generous tip — 36$ dollars on a $28 tab.

What touched her most was the note written on the back of the receipt:

"Today is my brother's b-day. He would have been 36 today. Every year I go eat his favorite meal (hot dogs) and tip the waitress his age. Happy B-day Wes."


Now Claire and the restaurant owner, located in Spring Hill, want to honor Wes every day with a hot dog named after him. They are looking for the anonymous diners in hopes of finding out what toppings he liked on his hot dogs.

(WATCH the video below or READ the story at WJBF) – Story tip from Stephanie B

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