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'Sandy Claus' Delivers Toys to Storm-stricken Kids

Every afternoon and night, the Brooklyn man stuffs his red sack to the brim with presents and heads out to storm-ravaged homes. He is personally delivering new toys to awestruck little kids whose play rooms were destroyed by floodwaters.

Ohio Man Saves Same Strangers Twice, Eight Years Apart

Gerald Gronowski may owe his life to the intervention of a good Samaritan, who last week came to his rescue on the side of the road. Ohio nurse practitioner Christopher Manacci later learned that he came to their rescue eight years ago, too. Now I know it's my job to repay this by helping someone else, said Gronowski.

Real Movie Heroes Saved Their Sweethearts During Colo. Ambush

Three young men are being hailed as heroes for their old-fashioned chivalry and courage under fire in saving the lives of their girlfriends. While using their bodies as shields, Matt McQuinn, 27, Jonathan Blunk, 26, and Alex Teves, 24, were killed in the worst mass shooting in US history.

Grieving Father Offers Teens Money Not to Drink, 140 Take the Challenge

Five years ago, Leo McCarthy lost his 14-year-old daughter, Mariah, when a drunken driver hit her and two of her friends as they walked down a sidewalk near her home. But he refused to let her tragic death become just another statistic. Knowing that the driver was 20 years old -- not even old enough to drink legally -- McCarthy made an unusual promise to the teenagers attending Mariah's memorial service in Butte, Montana.

Patience and Drive Earns Down's Syndrome Man a Black Belt

A young man with Down's Syndrome has earned a black belt in karate, inspired by Bruce Lee movies he studied as a child. Dustin Bean of Longview, Washington worked for 13 years, quickly moving from a special abilities class to regular classes to earn the coveted black belt. His mom said her son has high expectations for himself. He doesn't think he can't do something... He can do anything.

Unemployed Hero Saves Baby from Oncoming Subway - Job Offers Pour in

A sudden gust of wind blew a baby stroller onto the tracks as a train rumbled into a NY station — but an unemployed Brooklyn man on his way to a job interview jumped off the platform and saved the tot from certain death, authorities said. He missed the job interview but after news of his heroics spread, he received numerous job offers.

Kindness Challenge Winner Makes Handmade Toys to Give Away

A retired man in California is one of three winners of the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation's Kindness Challenge. The wood-working carpenter is bringing smiles to the faces of hundreds of kids with handmade toys created in his workshop garage. I just love making things for people.

6 Moms We'd Like to Go to Work With on Take Your Daughter to Work Day

Today is Take Your Daughter (and Sons) to Work Day, and while we don't begrudge the right of kids to tail their parents on this special day, we can't help but feel a little jealous of what some of them get to experience. Moms working in television, business, politics, and even Olympic-level athletic competition undoubtedly have some really cool jobs to drop in on, and we've picked several of our favorite working moms that we'd like to spend a day with.

Holiday Heroes: Foster Kids Feel Her Love Each Year

Knowing that even if a foster child is placed with a family, it doesn't guarantee a Christmas gift under the tree, Frances Smith for 15 years has used her annual vacation to amass new dolls, clothes, bikes, and games for every child in the foster care system of Coweta County, Georgia.

New Delhi Man Helps One Child, Now Dozens Call Him 'Father'

A businessman has taken charge of local slum children in New Delhi -- kids as young as two years old, whose impoverished parents sent them out begging on the streets. He envisioned a brighter future for the youngsters outside his door and agreed to be a daily caretaker, hiring tutors to teach them to read. Over the past decade, Arora and his wife have brought about 150 children under their wing.

21 Year-old Saves 100 From Ontario Fire, Hailed as Hero

James Slatcher is being hailed a hero, credited with saving more than 100 lives, after a devastating fire tore through a 36-unit townhouse development in Sutton. The 21-year-old was out playing basketball at around 3 a.m. when he noticed the smoke and sprang into action.

South Korean Pastor Accepts Unwanted Babies in Drop Box

In a country that prizes physical perfection, Korean Pastor Lee Jong-rak, his eyes opened after caring for his own disabled son, has been taking in unwanted infants, who if not for the drop box in the front of his building would be left in the street. To Pastor Lee Jong-rak, babies with Down syndrome or cerebral palsy are all perfect and they have found a home here.

Be a Star at Thanksgiving: 8 Awe-Inspiring Stories to Bring to the Party

Need some conversation starters to steer away from politics or Aunt Millie's surgery during your family gatherings? Here are eight compelling and funny stories from Good News Network to engage any audience. 14 Yrs After Receiving a Shoebox Gift, Filipino Girl Marries Idaho Boy Who Sent it When a young Filipino girl received a gift-filled […]