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Showing 161 - 171 of 171 Posts

Gala for Animals Lebanon Raises $45K for Critter Welfare

Animals Lebanon took center stage for animal welfare in Lebanon less than two years ago, but the determination of its five founders quickly built a movement involving schools and businesses that has spayed and neutered 600 animals in that time and rescued countless more.

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D.C. SmartBike Revolution (Video)

DC is the first city in the nation to start a cycle sharing program like those in Paris and Barcelona. The new bike rental program, ideal for commuters, costs just $40.00 per year to join.

U.S. Unveils $2.2 Billion Great Lakes Fix

The Obama administration has developed a five-year blueprint for rescuing the Great Lakes, a sprawling ecosystem plagued by toxic contamination and invasive species. The plan envisions spending more than $2.2 billion (U.S.) for long-awaited repairs after a century of damage to the lakes, which hold 20 percent of the world's fresh water.

Why Women Over 40 are Good at Math

Now there's another kind of prowess achieved by women in their 40s that men peak at earlier in life. Math. Not only do female math students outperform men at Ontario's community colleges, but it's the 40-something female multi-taskers juggling jobs, families and mortgages who edge out their classmates of either sex at any age, new research shows.