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Education Succeeds Without Standardized Tests

Imagine a world without standardized tests, one in which teachers would teach less and students would study less — yet score near the top on international tests of math, reading and science. This mythical world of teachers' dreams has a name: Finland.

9-Year-old Silenced By Politicians Has Changed School Lunches Forever

A new blog started by a 9-year-old in western Scotland shows daily photos of the lunches she was being served in her public primary school. Just started in early May, her lunch photos went viral in days. She had a million viewers within a few weeks; was written up in major magazines; and won the support of TV chef Jamie Oliver, who kicked off school-food reform in England.

The Brits Celebrate Their Queen: VIDEO Highlights of the Parties and Concert

The four-day Diamond Jubilee celebrating 60 years of service from Queen Elizabeth ending yesterday with a concert and fireworks that gave the British people something to be proud of in the midst of their tough economic recovery. The pomp and pageantry of the many events offered something for the conservative and modern-minded alike. For the young and old, a concert last night with spectacular light show projected along the entire face of Buckingham Palace provided an artistic exclamation point to the weekend.

Restaurant Uses Fresh Food That Grocery Stores Throw Out

A Danish restaurant features different dishes every night, created using produce and bread that would otherwise have gone to waste. 'Rub & Stub' opened in Copenhagen in 2013 after a group of environmentally-conscious friends decided to do something about the huge amount of food waste in the restaurant business.

Oslo Turns Food Waste into Fuel for Buses

A plant in Oslo, Norway began converting household food waste into liquid biogas last week, enough fuel to run a clean fleet of 135 city buses. As a result, carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions will be reduced by some 10,000 tons each year, and particulate matter cut as well.

Norway Muslims Form Human Shield Around Jewish Synagogue

Europe's Jews face rising anti-Semitism in some countries, but multiculturalism is far from dead. Today, more than 1,000 Muslims formed a human shield around Oslo's synagogue, offering protection and solidarity with Jews following a violent attack in Copenhagen last weekend.

Homeless Man Wins Lottery, Plans To Help Addicts And Abused Women

Unemployed, in debt and facing another year living on the streets in Hungary, László Andraschek spent his last remaining coins on a lottery ticket. Now the formerly homeless man is one of Hungary's biggest lottery winners, with a prize of about $2.8 million, and the 55-year-old plans to use his winnings to establish a foundation for addicts.