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Restaurant Uses Fresh Food That Grocery Stores Throw Out

Restaurant Uses Fresh Food That Grocery Stores Throw Out
A Danish restaurant features different dishes every night, created using produce and bread that would otherwise have gone to waste. 'Rub & Stub' opened in Copenhagen in 2013 after a group of environmentally-conscious friends decided to do something about the huge amount of food waste in the restaurant business.

A Danish restaurant features different dishes every night, created using produce and bread that would otherwise have gone to waste.

‘Rub & Stub‘ opened in Copenhagen in 2013 after a group of environmentally-conscious friends decided to do something about the huge amount of food waste in the restaurant business.

The chef, Søren Grimstrup, looks forward to the many donations of food dropped off daily by owners of cafes and grocery shops and then spontaneously plans the menu.

On a recent day, diners could choose between bread nachos — a Rub and Stub invention that uses often donated loaves — salsa stuffed foccacia with parsley pesto, fresh mussels and french fries.

100 volunteers give their time to the restaurant, which is packed every night, with 150 seats filled. (More diners can eat on the patio in the summer.) Rub and Stub employs two chefs and two managers, then gives all its profits to charity.

A similar restaurant opened in Amsterdam this summer, called Instock.

(WATCH the video below from Deutsche Welle)

Story tip from Craig Withers – YouTube image by Deutsche Welle

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