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Showing 81 - 85 of 85 Posts

Army Officer Creates Clothing Line Out of Wasted Surplus Tents

Emily Nunez and her sister have led military lives since birth. While attending a social entrepreneurship event as a senior in college, Emily realized that there were tons of surplus military gear being routinely thrown away that could be recycled into something reusable. She came up with the idea of turning tents, sleeping bags and parachutes into messenger bags.

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Wisconsin Man Builds His Dream, a Planetarium in His Backyard

Disappointed when he took some boy scouts to gaze at the stars but clouds quickly obscured them, a Wisconsin man decided to open his own planetarium using the money he earned while working at a local paper mill. Frank Kovac built the planetarium himself -- a huge spherical structure in the backyard -- and painted 5000 stars, each with the correct brightness, resulting in a spectacular replica of the entire northern night sky.