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College Kid Is Running A Highly Rated NYC Restaurant in His Dorm Room

College Kid Is Running A Highly Rated NYC Restaurant in His Dorm Room
A Columbia University senior has created one of New York's hottest restaurants– from his dormitory.

While many college students subsist on ramen noodles, this culinary genius is running one of New York's highest-Yelp-rated new eateries out of his dorm room.

Jonah Reider is the creator of "Pith," an exclusive dining experience that only serves four people at a time. He whips up five to eight-course meals for just $10 to $20 a person – all prepared in his Columbia University dorm's common kitchen.

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The college senior began cooking for friends and classmates, but when word spread about his intricate menus, people outside the school decided they wanted to sample his fare.

He began taking reservations through Yelp!, where he's racked up a nearly impossible to achieve five-star rating.

Pith already has a wait list of hundreds of people and is booked solid through January.

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Reider, an economics major, said that he's not really sure he wants to make cooking a career, but for now, he's happy to be the toast of the town.

(WATCH the video below from WNBC or READ more at Grub Street) — Photo: WNBC video

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