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High-end Jewelry Made From AK-47s, for the Greater Good

To combat the devastation caused by illegal assault rifles in Africa's war zones, founder of Ethos water, Peter Thum, announced this week the launch of Fonderie 47. Based in New York City, Fonderie 47 removes AK47s from war zones and transforms them into rare watches and $32,000 cufflinks.

6 Rags-to-Riches Millionaires Haven't Forgotten Their Roots

Entrepreneurial success stories are the stuff of which American dreams are made. Much like Oprah Winfrey and Steve Jobs, the six self-made millionaires profiled here have one thing in common: Thanks to hard work, determination and sound advice from mentors, friends and family, they've been able to build thriving businesses from the ground up. All have advice for young entrepreneurs.

Why It's A Great Time To Be An Entrepreneur

More and more, young women are not only starting their own businesses, but they are also achieving enormous success doing so. Take recent start-ups like Her Campus, Rent the Runway, and LearnVest: all three lucrative businesses were founded by women in their early twenties.