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Boy Addresses the United Nations at Age 13

It's not every day that a 13-year-old boy gets a chance to address the United Nations General Assembly. But Felix Finkbeiner is no ordinary teenager. Finkbeiner had one item on his agenda: taking adults to task for their lack of action on planting trees.

UMass Students Transform Campus Lawn into Permaculture Food Garden

Planting begins this month for a group of students at the University of Massachusetts Amherst who are pioneering a sustainable solution for campuses across the country. The UMass Permaculture Committee is transforming a 12,000 square foot conventional grass lawn into a sustainable permaculture garden for supplying fresh food to its campus community.

Ducks Near Extinction Hang On, 18 Babies Hatched in Lab

On a remote lake in Madagascar, a fateful discovery of 22 ducks belonging to a variety thought to be extinct, inspired a group of conservationists to mobilize a last ditch effort to save the species, which had been previously been written off. This week, as the Madagascar pochard's only remaining wild population hangs on with just 22 adult birds surviving, the captive breeding program started in 2009 celebrated a huge success with the birth of 18 new babies.