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Eco-friendly Chinese 'Amateur' Wins Most Prestigious Architecture Prize

An architect who uses recycled building materials from historic buildings torn down to make way for China's megacities has won architecture's most prestigious international award, the 2012 Pritzker Architecture Prize. For myself, being an artisan or a craftsman, is being an amateur or almost the same thing, Wang Shu, 48, said in a press release, using the word in its true meaning as one who does something for love rather than money or professional accolades.

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No Rhinos Poached in Nepal, First Time in 29 Years

Thanks to strong conservation and law enforcement efforts, not a single rhino was killed by poachers in Nepal, the first such year in 29 years. Conservationists in the Himalayan nation celebrated at Chitwan National Park, which holds the vast majority of the country's 534 rhinos.

Bank Supports Green Initiatives in Pacific Northwest

A new bank in a seacoast town on the mouth of the Columbia River in Washington State is Dubbed the country's first environmental bank by its parent, SouthShore Corp. of Chicago, because it is currently reviewing loan applications from businesses eager to use new technology to benefit both their ecological community and their own cash flow.

World's Smallest Frog Discovered in Papua

A frog species that appears to be the world's smallest has been discovered in Papua New Guinea by a US-based team. Finding the frog was not an easy assignment. Sitting on a dime with much room to spare, Paedophryne amauensis, lives in leaf litter on the forest floor