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Showing 81 - 100 of 605 Posts

IBM Creates Advanced Car Battery That 'Breathes'

IBM and partners are working on solving one of the biggest barriers to widespread electric vehicle adoption: limited battery range. Under its Battery 500 project - an effort to build a battery capable of powering a car for 500 miles - Big Blue has designed a battery that produces power by taking in oxygen and then recharges itself by expelling oxygen.

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Dog Nurses Two Endangered Tiger Cubs in Russia

Two Siberian tiger cubs abandoned in Russia by their mother have found an unusual wet nurse — a wrinkled, sand-colored Shar Pei dog. The dog, found at a local dog training club nurses and grooms the cubs as if they were her own.

Russia Takes Big Step to Save Rarest Big Cats

The Amur leopard was thrown a lifeline last week with the establishment of a new national park in Russia to help protect the world's rarest wild cat. Fewer than 40 Amur leopards are believed to exist in the wild. The majority of those currently reside in the new Land of the Leopard National Park, thanks to funds from the Russian government.

Russia Takes Big Step to Save Rarest Big Cats

The Amur leopard was thrown a lifeline yesterday with the establishment of a new national park in Russia, announced by the World Wildlife Fund, to help protect the world's rarest wild cat. Fewer than 40 Amur leopards are believed to exist in the wild. The majority of those currently reside in the new Land of the Leopard National Park, which will be operated with funds from the Russian government.

World Gorilla Population Rises Nine Percent in Two Years

The total world population of mountain gorillas has risen to 880, according to census data released last week by the Uganda Wildlife Authority. That's almost a ten percent increase over its 2010 estimate of 786. This is largely due to intensive conservation efforts and successful community engagement

Thai Prime Minister Announces End to Ivory Trade

With the threat of sanctions against her country looming, Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra today pledged to end ivory trade in Thailand, seizing a key opportunity to stem global wildlife trafficking. It was the first time the Thai government has said publicly that it would take steps to end ivory trade.

Bolivia Designates World's Largest Protected Wetland

The Bolivian government recently created the largest protected wetland in the world - an area bigger than the Netherlands and Belgium combined, more than 17 million acres (6.9m hectares). The Llanos De Moxos wetland is prized for its rich natural diversity, as the home to 131 species of mammals, 568 types of birds, and 625 fish species. Several species - including the giant otter and the Bolivian river dolphin - have been identified as vulnerable, endangered or at critical risk of extinction.

Leonardo DiCaprio Gives $3 Million to Help Double Nepal's Tiger Population

The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation has awarded a $3 million grant to the World Wildlife Fund for a bold initiative to help Nepal double its wild tiger numbers by 2022 - the next Chinese Year of the Tiger. The grant is the first award following the Christie's 11th Hour Charity Auction, created by DiCaprio, which raised a record $38.8 million for conservation in a single night.

Kauai Passes Bill to Limit Pesticide Use and GMOs

The global agricultural companies that test their genetically modified crops on the Hawaiian island of Kauai will soon have to disclose the specifics of the pesticides and GMOs they use, as well as abide by strict rules limiting where pesticides can be sprayed, or else face fines or jail time.

EPA Debuts Bee-Protective Pesticide Warning Labels

To protect bees and other pollinators, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has developed new pesticide labels that prohibit use of some neonicotinoid pesticide products where bees are present. The new labels will have a bee hazard icon and precautions about the spray drift precautions, but environmentalists say they will push the agency to remove these pesticides from the market altogether.