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Healing with Humor: Cancer Patient has Unique Way of Spreading Happiness

He cheers a group of cancer patients running in a race, calling himself the captain of Team Tumor. The 38-year-old father of two small children with stage-4 cancer has logged hundreds of hours of chemotherapy. But instead of living with defeat and humiliation, this Utah dad spends his time trying to give a laugh to others with cancer.

From Panic Attacks to the Best Mother's Day Ever

A mom in Britain wrote to share the good news that her daughter, after a lifetime of suffering from a panic disorder, was able to join her mother and sister on a date for lunch and shopping - something that has never been possible before. It was the best Mother's Day gift of all and seen as a hopeful sign for sufferers of the disorder everywhere.

A Coffee Angel for Cancer Patients Inspires Detroit

Every Thursday morning around 10:30 Dan walks into a Starbucks in Metro Detroit, takes out a list and proceeds to order dozens of drinks. The number depends on who is in the Michigan Cancer Center for chemotherapy treatments. Since his father's death in 2007, he keeps going back and buying coffee. Now, Starbucks fans are donating to the cause.

Inspiring Woman Paints the Sunrise Every Day

After a life-threatening cancer diagnosis from her doctor, a Kansas woman realized the fragility of life and began painting the sunrise each morning. The talented artist working in pastels now has a visual diary of the expansive prairie sky that started one morning in 2005.

New Breast Cancer Drugs Show Big Promise

New cancer studies published yesterday are generating considerable excitement and anticipation among cancer specialists, who said in interviews that the results are some of the strongest data seen in years for new breast cancer therapies.

Defying Parkinson's With Dance (Video)

Once a week, an elderly couple heads to an unusual Chicago dance class tailored for Parkinson's patients. Their disease is checked at the door as they lose themselves in the slow and graceful movement.

Experts Said it Wouldn't Work, But Rescue Dog and Dying 4-yr-old Proved Them Wrong

As nearly anyone who has adopted a pet from a shelter can attest, there's something special about a rescued animal; it's as if they can sense they've been given a second chance at life. But Juno, a Belgian Malinois who was adopted just days before she was to be euthanized, has now taken on the role of rescuer to a dying boy in Tennessee whom experts believed was not suited for any service dog.