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Stories That Matter

A Coffee Angel for Cancer Patients Inspires Detroit

A Coffee Angel for Cancer Patients Inspires Detroit
Every Thursday morning around 10:30 Dan walks into a Starbucks in Metro Detroit, takes out a list and proceeds to order dozens of drinks. The number depends on who is in the Michigan Cancer Center for chemotherapy treatments. Since his father's death in 2007, he keeps going back and buying coffee. Now, Starbucks fans are donating to the cause.

Every Thursday morning around 10:30 Dan walks into a Starbucks in Metro Detroit, takes out a list and proceeds to order dozens of drinks. The number depends on who is in the Michigan Cancer Center getting chemotherapy treatments.

Does Dan work there? Nope. So why would this man spend his own money every week to buy cappuccinos for strangers?

In 2007, he accompanied his father to the MCI for Thursday chemo treatments. One afternoon as Dan looked around he got the idea to go and buy everyone who was enduring treatment a drink of their choice from Starbucks. Dan's father has since passed away, but one of his dying wishes was for Dan to keep the tradition going. Now, Starbucks fans far and wide are donating to the cause via a website and Dan's Coffee Run Facebook page.

The local baristas look forward to filling his Thursday orders and seeing his smiling face. For years, customers asked why the man buys so many drinks, and upon hearing the story they are inspired to donate.

In response, the baristas set up a custom Starbucks card with "Dan's Coffee Run" on it for anyone who would like to help purchase the drinks — from espressos to strawberry smoothies — for the cancer patients up the road.

DONATE at DansCoffeeRun.Net

(WATCH the video below from Fox-2 Detroit)

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