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China Gives the World a Cheap Vaccine for a Child-killing Disease

An announcement this week confirmed China as a world leader in creating life-saving, inexpensive vaccines for the world. A Chinese manufacturer earned the World Health Organization's stamp of approval for its quality production of the first practical vaccine for use in the developing world against Japanese encephalitis, a disease spread by mosquitoes that kills15,000 children every year and leaves thousands more with brain damage and paralysis.

Coffee Lowers Risk of Prostate Cancer, Harvard Study Says

A new study says men who are heavy coffee drinkers are at a much lower risk for prostate cancer. Harvard scientists followed 47,911 men for two decades and asked how much coffee they were drinking. The researchers found that those who consumed six or more cups a day -- with or without caffeine -- were almost 20% less likely to develop prostate cancer. The heavy coffee drinkers were 60% less likely to get the lethal form of the disease. (NY Times)