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Tears of Joy as Retired Couple Returns to Find New Home

Retired grandparents Jeanne and Burt Metz lost their home when Superstorm Sandy hit Breezy Point, New York. A volunteer organization told the couple that their floors and walls would be rebuilt – but little did the Metz family know that hundreds of people were working to resurrect their entire house.

Santa Rides on Wings of (Blue) Angels to Deliver Gifts to Sandy Victims

The U.S. Navy Blue Angels squadron transformed its C-130 aircraft into a modern-day Santa's sleigh in support of the U.S Marine Corps' Toys for Tots Program, hauling several pallets of toys to children affected by Superstorm Sandy. The Blue Angel crew arrived from Florida in Wrightstown, N.J., where many residents have needed to forestall celebrating the holidays because the hurricane forced upon them more pressing concerns.

Family Delivers 10,000 Paper Hearts to Newtown

It started as a way for one Montana family to talk about the tragic school shooting of 26 children and adults. Now it's blossoming into an international movement to build a chain of handmade paper hearts to stretch for miles. Organizers will send a first shipment of 10,000 hearts – each linked to another and with its own personal message – this week.

Facebook Groups Reunite Jersey Shore Families with Photos, Items Lost in Storm

At least four Facebook pages were created to reunite people with photographs, kayaks, wedding invitations and other cherished mementos they thought were lost during Superstorm Sandy. The sites have reunited a woman with her wedding dress, an urn containing cremated ashes with a loved one, a mother with a baby album and the congregation of St. Elisabeth's Chapel-by-the Sea in Ortley Beach, which was destroyed by the storm, with a plaque bearing names.

Mobile Kitchen Relocates to Feed Thanksgiving Meal to 1,000 on Long Island Still Without Power

Since November 1, a group called Mercy Chefs, using a retrofitted RV mobile kitchen, has been supplying hot meals to New Yorkers who lost power after Hurricane Sandy. Now, at the request of the Freeport mayor, the unit has just relocated to Long Island to feed 1,000 people still housed in Nassau County's emergency shelters -- just in time for the Thanksgiving holiday.Read More

Occupy Sandy: Onetime Protesters Excel in a New Cause (VIDEO Added)

Occupy Wall Street has become a lauded and effective relief organization for victims of Sandy. The social media savvy that helped Occupy protesters create a grass-roots global movement last year is proving a strength as members fan out across New York to deliver aid including hot meals, medicine and blankets.

Virginia Girl Lifts a Car, Breathes Life Back into her Father

Last Saturday a 22 year-old woman performed 'the impossible' when she found her father unconscious having been crushed by his car which slipped off its jack. The former basketball player managed to pick up the BMW weighing a ton and a half and shove it away from her father's body. When she discovered he was not breathing, her skills as a former lifeguard kicked in and she brought his limp body back to life.

Trucker Convoy Brings Donated Hay to Oregon Ranches Devastated by Fires

Massive wildfires have blackened about a million acres in southeast Oregon, killing countless cattle and horses and leaving no grazing land for struggling ranches that remain. But help is on the way to struggling ranchers from the business community and fellow cattlemen. A convoy of 17 donated tractor-trailer trucks loaded with 500 tons of hay left Burns, Oregon yesterday morning in route to fire-affected families and businesses.