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All-Star Nascar Driver Distributes Supplies, Donates Winnings for Tornado Victims

After the devastating tornado that hit Moore, Oklahoma, four-time Sprint Cup champion Jimmie Johnson and his wife Chandra, who grew up in that state, wanted to help. In addition to donating his Charlotte All-Star race winnings, reported to be $1 million, they visited the town on Thursday, along with other NASCAR officials, to help bring some relief to families.

Store Manager Gives Man a Trailer After Fire Destroys Home

William Berkshire lost his home and everything in it after his travel trailer went up in flames outside of Roy's General Store in Traverse City, Michigan. The store's manager felt so bad for the now homeless guy known as Mountain Man, he gave him a rarely used camper trailer so he would have somewhere to live. Hentschel posted the news on the store's Facebook Page and asked others to help too. Within two days, Mountain Man had clothes, bedding and boots and dishes. American Waste also donated a dumpster for him to use as he cleans up the rubble.

Hurricane Sandy Heroes: High School Coach Braves Icy Waters to Save Dozens

As he inched through the churning, chest-deep water, Jay Price struggled to distinguish one potential catastrophe from the next as he and his comrades from the Manasquan Hook and Ladder Company No. 1 kept pushing forward, chest deep in the rushing water, to reach another stranded person in their homes and rescue them to the safety of their M35 Army cargo truck, one by one through the chaotic night.

300 Veterans Lead Grueling Sandy Cleanup in Rockaway Beach (Video)

300 veterans, some trained in crisis management, have been donating their time and skills in the hard hit Rockaway neighborhood in Queens, New York, removing debris and making life easier and safer for storm weary residents. Their organization, Team Rubicon, helps others but also helps ex-soldiers from around the country to gain a new mission in life, something to become passionate about. They've joined together to tackle the seemingly endless task of rehabilitating the homes for an entire neighborhood.

Chicago Man Wins Lottery Because He Came to Serve in Post-Storm Sandy Cleanup

John Turner, who owns a Chicago business specializing in pumping water and cleaning out buildings following disasters, traveled to the East Coast immediately after Hurricane Sandy hit. Turner was shocked by the devastation and even emptied out flooded homes free of charge after seeing how some families without flood insurance were completely wiped out. It must have felt like a reward from heaven when he bought a lottery ticket in New Jersey and it turned out to be a $100,000 winner.

Volunteers Rush in to Help Devastated Region Recover

Hundreds of doctors, firefighters, emergency personnel and volunteers are converging on the East Coast to help devastated areas with recovery efforts. Trent Smith, from Indiana expects to spend the coming days working long hours with little sleep, but he said the work will have its own rewards.

NYC Hero of 9/11 to be Honored by Federal Award in his Name

The World Trade Center hero who saved thousands of lives on 9/11 will now be remembered each year by the federal government, with the creation of the Rick Rescorla National Award for Resilience that will be given to civilians who respond extraordinarily to disasters. If you haven't heard of Rick's heroics, which were memorialized by documentary films and even an opera, he was Vice President of Security for Morgan Stanley, on September 11, 2001, when he personally led a massive evacuation of that company's 2,700 employees.

Chiefs, Rams Players Lend Hand to Tornado Recovery Effort in Joplin

Both NFL football teams in Missouri swooped into Joplin last week, lifting spirits and clearing clogged yards and roads. The Kansas City Chiefs had invited fans to donate supplies and water and cash, and the club was stunned at the outpouring it saw from the community, loading six semis of water (187,490 bottles, by their count) and relief supplies, along with $35,000 from the club and $21,000 of private donations.

Kansas Town That was Flattened by Tornado Rebuilt Green; Can Others Do the Same?

As the cities and towns ravaged by tornadoes slowly shift their focus from relief efforts to long-term rebuilding, they might want to take a look at the recent history of Greensburg, Kansas. Four years ago, the town was virtually leveled by a massive mile-and-a-half-wide twister. But the flattened canvas that was their home offered them a green opportunity, one that made a lot of business sense for homeowners and town managers.