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Costa Rica

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Sealy Helps Provide A Bed for Every Child

Sealy has also indicated a desire to become a major sponsor of SOFTLY International’s global Bed-for-Every-Child program, much to the delight of the unique organization’s founder, Eloise Vincent, of Reston, Virginia.

Help for Hot Spots

A $150 million global fund has been launched to provide protection for environmental “hot spots” that contain the most dense array of plant and animal biodiversity around the planet.

All is in Divine Order

Eloise Vincent founded SOFTLY International-- Securing Our Future Today Loving Youth -- to supply medical care, clothing and beds to families living in extreme One of her beliefs was tested and ultimately strengthened this winter when SOFTLY’s abundant funds ran out.

A Bridge in Costa Rica Helps People Reach Their Dreams

El Puente - The Bridge - helps people to help themselves in Southern Costa Rica. A longtime reader of the Good News Network, Barry Stevens, the founder of the bridge, needs a hand this month to meet the expenses of his School Program, Food Program and Microloan Program. If you can help, visit the donation page.