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A Bridge in Costa Rica Helps People Reach Their Dreams

A Bridge in Costa Rica Helps People Reach Their Dreams
El Puente - The Bridge - helps people to help themselves in Southern Costa Rica. A longtime reader of the Good News Network, Barry Stevens, the founder of the bridge, needs a hand this month to meet the expenses of his School Program, Food Program and Microloan Program. If you can help, visit the donation page.

El Puente – The Bridge – helps people to help themselves in Southern Costa Rica. A longtime reader of the Good News Network, Barry Stevens, the founder of the bridge, needs a lift this month to meet the expenses of his School Program, Food Program and Microloan Program. If you can help, visit the donation page.

These are some of the ways in which they help:

Although public education is free in Costa Rica, there are mandatory costs of attending a public school for things such as shoes, uniforms, books, supplies, and class photographs. The "start-up" expenses total $100 per child, with ongoing expenses of nearly $2.25 per week, to include breakfast/lunch and copy charges for exams. The Bridge helps families meet this need.

This program provides small, short term loans to individuals to help them help themselves toward self-sufficiency. No collateral is required. Interest rates are very affordable. Capital for the loans is provided by donations from individuals and corporations, and in general comes from outside Costa Rica. 


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