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92-yo Customer Pays Nursing Tuition for Waitress

Benjamin Olewine is a regular at the Peachtree restaurant where Melissa Mainier of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania worked. Melissa knew she wanted to be a nurse and was wracking up a lot of debt to put herself through school. One day he told Melissa that he wanted to pay her tuition -- and has done so now for years.

College Student Shocked by the Food the Cafeteria Threw Away Decides to Do Something

Ben Simon, a senior at the University of Maryland happened to be in the cafeteria around closing time and saw the amount of food being dumped in the trash. He asked if he and his friends could donate the leftovers, and they said, Sure. That was his first food delivery, in September 2011. Thus began the Food Recovery Network, which has diverted 271,000 meals to churches and shelters that feed hungry people.