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Why One CEO is Paying for College for His Workers' Kids

Why One CEO is Paying for College for His Workers' Kids
Chieh Huang has put more than $1 million in cash and stock aside to cover the costs of paying for the college tuition of his workers' children.

(CBS News) For Boxed chief executive Chieh Huang, a nearly empty parking lot at his company's Atlanta warehouse prompted some soul-searching.

"I noticed there weren't a lot of cars in the warehouse parking lot," Huang told CBS MoneyWatch. "I thought they were on lunch break, but I realized (they) just couldn't afford cars."

That prompted Huang, the son of Taiwanese immigrants, to think about how his e-commerce startup could help his employees' families climb the socio-economic ladder, while also inspiring loyalty and commitment among workers.

(READ the full story from CBS News) Photo via Chieh Huang, LinkedIn

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