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College Kids Give Sweet Online Surprise to Snack Stand Worker (LOOK)

College Kids Give Sweet Online Surprise to Snack Stand Worker (LOOK)
In an online world with too many mean Youtube comments and Facebook arguments, a student posted a kindness testimonial instead.

The internet can often be a cesspool of negativity and criticism – but every once in a while, it can be used for good, like this online tribute that said, "Good job" to a simple worker.

Ashraf, affectionately known as the Leaky Beaker man, works at that snacks stand on the Wellesley College campus in Massachusetts. He always finds time to ask students how they're doing, which makes him a wonderfully positive part of the school.


One day, Liah Watt was doing some homework near the Leaky Beaker and was feeling the pressures of school particularly keenly.

"I was sitting and working for a few hours in the Science Center, very stressed out about the work I was doing," Liah told the Good News Network. "But every now and then, I would hear Ashraf in conversation with a student and it would brighten my mood. He is incredibly kind and caring, and asks each student about how their day is going, and seems to actually care about the answers."

She decided to jump on the anonymous online college forum, called Yik Yak, and post a note about Ashraf so her fellow students would see it:

"Watching the Leaky Beaker man interact with students makes me so happy. He's so kind, caring, and positive," she wrote on February 23rd.

A slew of affirming likes and comments agreeing with Liah proceeded to boost the social media post until it became the most popular Yak of the week.

Shortly after the post's creation, another student printed out a screenshot of the comments as a gift to Ashraf with a written comment in the margin reading "I thought you might like a copy of this. Thank you for being such a kind and supportive part of our community. With Love, The Wellesley College Classes of 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019."

A few days later, Jesslyn Tannady was having a chat with Ashraf about his day when the subject of Yik Yak came up. When asked if he knew what the website was, he proudly retrieved the printed forum post that he'd been given from beneath the desk.

Jesslyn photographed Ashraf with the Yik Yak page and posted it to Facebook with a caption reading "We've only spoken a handful of times, but you brighten up my day every time we do. You're honestly so wonderful.

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