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How Boulder Took Over Its Electric Company

The city of Boulder, Colorado has won the right to take its power supply—and carbon emissions—away from corporate control and redirect it toward the sun. The change for Boulder came in November when voters passed two ballot measures that allow the city to begin the process of forming its own municipal power utility to take advantage of the 300 days of annual sunshine.

FedEx Adds More Than 4,000 New, Fuel Efficient Vehicles

The world's largest express transportation company continues to bolster its fuel efficiency with a significant expansion this summer of lower polluting, energy efficient vehicles. While doubling the fleet of all-electric vehicles to 43, FedEx is also adding more hybrid-electrics and light composite vehicles.

Top 10 Ways You Can Stop Climate Change

Though you might feel like your lifestyle is insignificant compared to things like oil extraction or vehicle emissions, the choices we make in our day-to-day life play a major role in slowing climate change. Here's a list of 10 ways you can join in the fight to reduce our carbon footprint.

Two Monolith Machines Suck Carbon Out of the Air in California

Peter Eisenberger, a distinguished professor of earth and environmental sciences at Columbia University, has build two machines in Menlo Park, Calif., that pull carbon dioxide out of the air, like a catalytic converter for your car, but giant-sized. The challenging part was figuring out what to do with the CO2 once it was captured. But he thinks he's found the perfect solution making fuel.

New Jersey: An Unlikely Leader In U.S. Solar Energy

The combination of a strong energy mandate passed by the former Governor Jon Corzine, and a generous carbon offset program has made New Jersey a shining example as the nation's second largest producer of solar power, behind California.

$500 Million Investment of Filling Stations for Hydrogen Fuel-cell Cars

Daimler and five oil and industrial gas companies will invest about 350 million euros ($500 million) on a network of hydrogen filling stations for fuel-cell electric vehicles in Germany over the next 10 years, they said on Monday. Fuel-cell cars are seen by many in the industry as the best long-term solution to lowering carbon emissions in cars.

Thriving North American Start-up Turns Trash into Source of Power

An powerhouse alternative energy start-up is transforming the way North America manages organic materials, turning food and animal waste into renewable energy and other useful products at its plants in British Columbia, Ontario, California and throughout the Mid-Atlantic, Midwest and Northeastern states.