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Showing 381 - 400 of 417 Posts

Plastic Shopping Bags Made of Corn and Biodegradable

With the new reality of $70 (US) crude oil, the plastics industries are turning to corn and fast-growing switchgrass to manufacture everything from carpet to car parts. Bio-degradable and reusable shopping bags made of corn will break down in a landfill â€" or home composter â€" within four to 12 weeks.

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Honoring Three Men Who Came to B.C., Found Success, and Gave Millions Back

A jovial 87-year-old has parlayed a huge construction business in Iran into a Canadian philanthropic legacy that will continue after he is gone. His Djavad Mowafaghian Foundation has given away tens of millions of his personal wealth to build children hospitals in Vancouver -- and building schools for children around the world. Most ambitious, his Foundation has built a new $68.8-million center for brain health at the University of BC with 500 scientists working on diseases like alzheimer's.

Mystery Knitter Ties Scarves Around Statues in Frigid Canada

An anonymous do-gooder trying to keep Ottawa residents warm has been leaving dozens of handmade scarves outside wrapped around the necks of city statues, brightening the landscape of Canada's war heroes. In response to deeply frigid temps in Ontario, the scarves include friendly notes that read: "I am not lost! If you are stuck out in the cold, take this scarf to keep warm."

Winnipeg Woman Marks One Year of Baking, Giving Bread to Hungry

Over the last year Althea Guiboche has run out of money and run out of baking supplies, but she has never stopped giving away free bread and soup to the city's homeless every week. The aboriginal mother of seven was even forced by the province to become trained in food-handling if she wanted to continue, but now she has an official certificate and she cooks inside a commercial kitchen at the community center -- all toward the goal of becoming more compassionate and giving.

Salmon in East Vancouver? Miraculous Reappearance After 80 Years

Chum salmon are spawning again at an urban creek in the heart of East Vancouver. The salmon returned this week to Still Creek, which sits in a ravine surrounded by warehouses and was once thoroughly polluted by urban garbage, sewage and toxic chemicals. Much of the credit goes to people who have painstakingly restored their habitat.

Vancouver Launches World's First Cigarette-butt Recycling Program

The City of Vancouver, B.C. has launched the world's first cigarette butt recycling program in its bid to become the greenest city. The pilot project began last Tuesday with the installation of 110 receptacles in four downtown areas where discarded butts are a messy problem. Fortunately, cigarette filters are made of cellulose acetate, which can be recycled into building materials.

Vancouver Takes Toy Donations to Clear Unpaid Parking Tickets

Vancouver's parking enforcement agency awakened the spirit of Christmas early in a one-day toy drive yesterday for residents with unpaid tickets. To benefit children served by The Salvation Army's Belkin House, violators were invited to trade new toys in exchange for forgiveness of all their parking fines.