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Cop Goes Undercover in Wheelchair to Make Arrests, Finds Kindness Instead

Cop Goes Undercover in Wheelchair to Make Arrests, Finds Kindness Instead
A police sergeant made himself an "easy mark" for criminals wanting to rob the vulnerable. What he got instead was an outpouring of kindness from strangers.

Vancouver law enforcement went looking for bad news and found good news instead.

As part of an undercover operation, police sergeant Mark Horsley grew some facial hair and borrowed an expensive wheelchair, making him an "easy mark" for criminals.

But over the course of five days, instead of strangers snatching money from his open fanny pack, 300 people made contact with him to ask if he had someone to care for him, find out if he needed food, or to offer money.

At one point, a man crouched over him and reached for the fanny pack, making the cop nervous—but all he did was zip it shut and advise Horsley to, "please be more careful with his things."

(WATCH the video below and READ more at the Ottowa Citizen)

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