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Showing 1221 - 1240 of 1,292 Posts

U2's Bono Salutes Military Heroes in D.C.

Tina Brown, editor in chief of Newsweek, kicked off her first annual Hero Summit last week in Washington to bring together military heroes and exceptional civilians for meaningful dialogues and information-sharing.

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Connecticut Dentist Goes Green

From solar panels to non-toxic x-rays, from high efficiency lights to safeer cleaning supplies, one dentist has opened a green office to reduce the carbon output and help his patients relax.

The Secret Mall Gardens of Cleveland

Under its towering glass atrium, a shopping mall in Cleveland is alive with fresh food still on the vine -- cucumbers, lettuce and herbs are growing, with strawberries and tomatoes on the way. It's just one of many Cleveland-based projects, a grand plan that includes transforming malls into greenhouses and farmers markets.

Opium Cultivation in Afghanistan Drops by a Fifth

Opium cultivation in Afghanistan has gone down by a fifth as compared to last year, the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) reported today. Thanks in part to good local leadership coupled with a drought, the Afghanistan Opium Survey 2008 showed a 19 percent decrease in opium cultivation to 157,000 hectares, down from a record harvest of 193,000 in 2007.