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China Gives the World a Cheap Vaccine for a Child-killing Disease

An announcement this week confirmed China as a world leader in creating life-saving, inexpensive vaccines for the world. A Chinese manufacturer earned the World Health Organization's stamp of approval for its quality production of the first practical vaccine for use in the developing world against Japanese encephalitis, a disease spread by mosquitoes that kills15,000 children every year and leaves thousands more with brain damage and paralysis.

Airline Plays April Fools Joke on Canadian Families

An announcement by WestJet on Sunday seemed too good to be true, especially for parents traveling with little kids. And considering it was made on April 1, it was. On April Fools Day, the airline issued a statement saying it would start introducing child-free cabins on certain flights with an exciting VIP area for kids beneath the plane called, Kargo Kids.

Bell Canada Erecting Cellphone Towers Disguised as Trees

Ontario residents on holiday to the cottage country may think some of the trees are growing on steroids, but they're actually Bell Canada cellphone towers. The telecommunications company plans to disguise towers it erects in the Muskoka area to look like trees so they are not such a direct eyesore.