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There Is Some Good to Come Out of the Marathon Bombing

For James "Bim" Costello, April 15th was one of the worst days of his life. At the finish line of the Boston Marathon when the bomb exploded, he suffered not only physical wounds but emotional trauma, after learning about his friends and their injuries. Recovering in Spaulding Hospital, and wondering what good could come from the tragedy, he met a nurse named Krista.

6 in 10 Americans Optimistic That Economy is Looking Up, Happier Than at Any Time Since 2008

Two-thirds of Americans are optimistic that they will be better off financially next year than they are now, according to a new poll. In a separate Gallup survey, fewer Americans are experiencing daily worry or stress, and their emotional heath, self-measured by how much they remember smiling, laughing and enjoyment of recent days, is now higher than it has been in any month since Gallup and Healthways started tracking it in January 2008.

Despite Woes, World is a Happier Place Today Than in 2007

A new poll conducted by global research company Ipsos finds that 77 percent of citizens in 24 countries generally say they are ‘happy' in their lives. The number of people reporting they are 'very happy' has risen two percentage points since 2007, to 22% of citizens globally.

"An Awakening" Thanks to Cancer

I'm a true example that you can survive cancer not once, but twice. I would have never become a writer, producing inspirational poems and stories, if I had not gone through all that I did, and I am truly grateful.

6 in 10 Americans Optimistic That Economy is Looking Up, Happier Than at Any Time Since 2008

Two-thirds of Americans are optimistic that they will be better off financially next year than they are now, according to a new poll. Also, fewer Americans are experiencing daily worry or stress, and their emotional heath, self-measured by how much they remember smiling, laughing and enjoyment of recent days, is now higher than it has been in any month since tracking began in January 2008.