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Volunteers Heed Cry for Help in Wake of Oil Spill

Thanks, in part, to a million dollar donation from BP, fishermen and their families are getting the help they need in Gulf coast areas where shrimp boats are docked along waters polluted with oil. Food is being distributed for the people, while animals needing to be cleaned are being rescued.

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Artist's Fake Freeway Sign Becomes Official Public Service

Artist Richard Ankrom took it upon himself to install a new highway number and arrow on a Los Angeles freeway sign in 2001 to help ease congestion and improve traffic flow. Now, some eight years later, the California traffic administrators have replaced the altered sign with another that incorporates the helpful directives for drivers.

World On Track to Cut Poverty in Half, But Turner and Gates Called in to Boost Other Goals

Despite the global economic downturn, the world is still on track to meet a key U.N. goal of halving the number of people living on less than $1 a day by 2015, according a UN report. Other Millenium Goals are not similarly on track, so UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon created a star-powered committee that will try to spark progress against all eight welfare problems named in the goals.

Somalia Once Again Polio-Free, Declares UN

In what is being described as a major victory in the global fight against polio, the United Nations health agency announced yesterday that the disease has been eradicated in strife-torn Somalia thanks to the efforts of some 10,000 volunteers and health workers across the Horn of Africa nation.

Florida Man Exonerated After 35 Years Behind Bars

Florida resident James Bain was exonerated and released from prison Thursday, after spending 35 years behind bars for a wrongful conviction. Bain had spent more time in prison than any of the 246 inmates previously exonerated by DNA evidence nationwide, yet despite the serious injustice of this situation, Bain said, "No, I am not angry."

'Recession Gave Me a New Opportunity'

Many people say they had found unexpected and uplifting turns during the struggling economy's darkest moments and rediscovered what they previously dismissed or took for granted: Family, friends and faith. Others say the tough times have helped them seize opportunities they might have ignored before.

Coffee Customers Pay It Forward Like Never Before

Even in these tough times, it is becoming "downright common" for Starbucks customers at this drive-thru window to pay the bill for the car behind them. One cashier has even seen 15 cars of kindness in a row... KUSA reports in this video from Loveland, Colorado